Crucial Craziness

A Scientific Love Guide by a Terrific Lover

WARNING:Normal people with stable mind are requested not to read further.

There was a motivation/Training and Placement programme at college a few days back and we all were asked to write a love letter,to ourselves.

“It may sound funny” the person who conducted it said.But after writing,I realized-It’s not funny,It’s terrible!

With absolutely no idea how to start about, I did three things…

1)Tried copying a love poem my mom had written long long ago.It was too good.But,my inner subconscious mind in alpha state said-“Shame on  you,Copy Cat!” and I dropped the idea.

2)Googled “Innovative Love letters”,”Ideas for writing love letters” and got pages and pages of rubbish

3)Tried outsourcing-i.e begged my mother and sister to write one to me.And,my loving sister screamed ,”GET LOST!”

Then I decided that I must try to write something with all love,affection and passion.I started writing and it ran for 4-5 pages.My friend who was receiving constant running commentary on what I was doing  laughed and  asked if I was writing a love letter or a love-book.Totally dissatisfied with what I was doing,I threw away the doodled letter.

It was then 12:00 midnight-the time my madness goes to its peak!!

Love letters became a scientific love guide..and this is the nonsense I did









Give such a letter to your lover,